Last night, Governor Walz activated the Minnesota National Guard to provide protection for Clay County and surrounding areas during demonstrations planned in North Dakota in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
Local law enforcement authorities are aware of credible threats of violent activities during demonstrations planned in North Dakota that could impact nearby Minnesota communities, and requested assistance from the Minnesota National Guard to help provide security and preserve public safety.
The Department of Health continues to recommend that any Minnesotan who has attended a protest, vigil, or community clean-up get tested for COVID-19. Minnesotans should get tested right away if they have symptoms, and if they do not have symptoms should get tested 5-7 days after the event. If the test is negative but you are worried you might have been exposed, seek another test 12-14 days after the event, even if you do not feel sick.
Find a testing location near you
Finally, a curfew remains in effect for Minneapolis-St. Paul tonight from 10pm to 4am.
Previous Actions by Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan
June 3:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-72
activating the Minnesota National Guard to provide protection to the People of Clay County and surrounding communities
June 3:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-71
extending the temporary nighttime curfew in Minneapolis and St. Paul
June 2:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-70
authorizing use of Trunk Highway right-of-ways for outdoor dining during COVID-19
June 1:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-69
extending and modifying the temporary nighttime curfew in Minneapolis-St. Paul
May 31:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-68
extending the temporary nighttime curfew in Minneapolis-St. Paul
May 30:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-67
implementing and coordinating cooperative firefighting, health, and peace officer assistance
May 29:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-66
providing emergency relief from regulations to motor carriers and drivers
May 29:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-65
implementing a temporary nighttime curfew in the cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul
May 28:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-64
activating the Minnesota National Guard and declaring a peacetime emergency to provide safety and protection to the people of Minnesota
May 27:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-63
, which outlines the second phase of Stay Safe MN
May 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-62
to allow worship, weddings, and funerals to proceed as safely as possible
May 21:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-61
extending the relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota declared in Executive Order 20-45
May 21:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-60
extending relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers outlined in Executive Order 20-24
May 15:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-59
extending the relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota declared in Executive Order 20-37
May 15:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-58
authorizing the Public Utilities Commission to hold remote meetings as necessary to protect health and safety
May 14:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-57
authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Education to allow for a safe and effective summer learning environment for Minnesota’s students
May 13:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-56
safely reopening Minnesota’s economy and ensuring safe non-work activities during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
May 13
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-55
protecting the rights and health of at-risk populations during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
May 13
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-54
protecting workers from unsafe working conditions and retaliation during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
May 13
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-53
extending the COVID-19 peacetime emergency declared in Executive Order 20-01
May 11:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-52
authorizing students in critical sectors to return to safe higher education institutions for completion of a postsecondary credential
May 5:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-51
requiring facilities to prioritize surgeries and procedures and provide safe environment during COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
May 4:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-50
ensuring the protection of emergency government support and consumers’ financial security from consumer garnishment actions during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
May 1:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-49
, permitting food trucks to operate at up to six highway rest stops in Minnesota
April 30
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-48
extending and modifying the Stay at Home Order, continuing temporary closure of bars, restaurants, and other places of public accommodation, and allowing additional workers in certain non-critical sectors to return to safe work places
April 30:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-47
clarifying applicant of Executive Order 20-33 to homeless encampments
April 25:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-46
authorizing out-of-state healthcare professionals to render aid in Minnesota during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
April 24:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-45
providing for emergency relief from regulations to motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota
April 24:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-44
providing for emergency relief from regulations to motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota
April 24:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-43
allowing shareholders flexibility to hold remote meetings and avoid gatherings during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
April 24:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-42
ensuring that emergency economic relief does not prevent eligibility for essential human services programs during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
April 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-41
authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Education to extend the distance learning period and continue to provide a safe learning environment for Minnesota’s students
April 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-40
allowing workers in certain non-critical sectors to return to safe workplaces
April 22:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-39
providing administrative flexibility to the Department of Human Rights
April 17:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-38
allowing for safe outdoor recreation
April 16:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-37
extending the relief from regulations for motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota declared in Executive Order 20-06
April 15
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-36
directing salary reductions for certain officials
April 13:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-35
extending the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency declared in Executive Order 20-01
April 10:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-34
protecting Minnesota’s first responders by directing the Commissioner of Health to share information with the Department of Public Safety, 911 dispatchers, and first responders
April 8:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-33
Extending Stay at Home Order and Temporary Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and Other Places of Public Accommodation
April 8
: Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-32
Ensuring that Healthcare Providers Can Respond Quickly and Safely During the COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency
April 8:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-31
Providing for Relief from Regulations to Certain Motor Carriers and Drivers Operating in Minnesota
April 7
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-30
Providing National Guard Assistance for Spring Flood Response and Protection
April 6:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-29
Amending Executive Order 20-05 to expedite state unemployment insurance benefits during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
April 6:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-28
allowing out-of-state mental health providers to render telehealth aid and permitting certain licensing boards to provide license and registration relief during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
April 3:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-27
providing for emergency relief from regulations to motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota
March 31:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-26
ensuring continuing operations of the Medical Cannabis Program during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
March 31:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-25
authorizing peace officers, firefighters, and security-related licensing boards to modify requirements during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
March 27:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-24
providing emergency relief from regulations to motor carriers and drivers operating in Minnesota
March 27:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-23
authorizing Minnesota health-related licensing boards to modify requirements during the COVID-19 peacetime Emergency
March 27:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-22
allowing the State Auditor to work with local governments to adjust reporting deadlines for various financial reports
March 27:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-21
amending Executive Order 20-07 to allow constitutional officers to implement leave for both classified and unclassified employees and to reassign and redeploy staff as needed
March 25:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-20
directing Minnesotans to stay at home
March 25:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-19
authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Education to implement a distance learning period and continue to provide a safe learning environment for Minnesota’s students
March 25:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-18
continuing the closure of bars, restaurants, and other places of public accommodation
March 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-17
clarifying application of Executive Order 20-09 to veterinary surgeries and procedures
March 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-16
directing non-hospital entities to inventory and preserve vital medical equipment during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
March 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-15
providing immediate relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
March 23:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-14
suspending evictions and writs of recovery during the COVID-19 peacetime emergency
March 21:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-13
authorizing National Guard assistance to COVID-19 response, beginning with transportation and logistics in stockpiling personal protective equipment for health care workers
March 20:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-12
preserving access to human services programs
March 20:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-11
securing Federal authority to continue human services programs
March 20:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-10
combatting price gouging
March 19:
Walz signed
Executive Order 20-09
to delay elective surgeries and procedures in order to conserve health care resources and reduce contact between patients and providers
March 18:
Governor Walz took action to support businesses affected by COVID-19 by announcing a 30-day Sales and Use Tax grace period for businesses identified in
Executive Order 20-04
March 18:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-08
clarifying the types of businesses and places of public accommodation subject to closure per Executive Order 20-04. The executive order clarifies that the closure order applies to salons, barbershops, and other similar establishments
March 17:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-07
providing paid leave for state employees who are not able to work for reasons related to COVID-19 and suspended the waiting period for insurance coverage for new employees
March 17:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-06
to exempt vehicles and drivers providing direct assistance for emergency relief efforts from certain regulations including provisions on weight and hours of service
March 17:
Governor Walz signed
Ch. 70 S.F. 4334
into law, allocating $200 million toward an emergency and long-term grant program to respond to the needs of health care and long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
March 16:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-05
to strengthen Minnesota’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund and ensure that workers who are not able to work as a result of COVID-19 have benefits available. Specifically, this executive order waives the employer surcharge and allows the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development to pay unemployment benefits immediately, providing fast relief to employees who need it
March 16:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-04
to order the temporary closure of Minnesota restaurants and bars to dine-in customers. He also ordered the temporary closure of other places of public accommodation and amusement, including theaters, museums, fitness centers, and community clubs
March 16:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-03
to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Minnesota’s Veterans Homes. This executive order allows Veterans Homes to protect residents and staff by temporarily restricting visitors, reducing the risk of COVID-19 spread among residents
March 15:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-02
authorizing the temporary closure of Minnesota K-12 public schools to students in order for school administrators and teachers to make long-term plans for the continuity of education and essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic
March 13:
Governor Walz unveiled
legislative proposals
to prepare for the COVID-19 pandemic
March 13:
Governor Walz signed
Executive Order 20-01
declaring a peacetime emergency in Minnesota